TOPIC-4 : INTRODUCTION (Elearning Project)


4.1 About the project

E-learning is another form of distance learning where education and training courses are delivered using computer technology. Typically, this means that courses are delivered either via the Internet, or on computer networks (linked computers). With the increased availability of PCs and Internet access, e-learning is becoming more and more popular.
E-Learning is a web application uses JSP. The database is Oracle 10g. This online application enables the end users to register online, select the subject, read the tutorial and appear for the exam online. The results of the exams are also declared just after taking the test. The minimum pass percentage is 50%. A person is given three attempts to pass a paper. In subjects containing more than one exam, the candidate should take tests in a particular sequence and also he can attempt the next test only if he has completed the previous papers. The correct answers for the questions are displayed after the exam. The date of the registration, date of exam, number of attempts, test result etc. are stored in the database.

4.2 Purpose of the project

Education through the internet, network and a computer is E-learning. This helps in network enabled transfer of skills and knowledge. E-learning refers to use of electronic applications and processes to learn. This is a web based application which can be hosted in the website of any training institute. The students will be able to register online, read the course material and write online exam. Certificates also will be issued online.

The objectives of this project are
• To provide distance learning
• To make it convenient for people who have other commitments
• Cost reduction
• Reduced paper work
• Computer evaluated tests

4.3 Understanding of existing system

Shows educators and trainers how to adapt teaching methods and materials to make use of the Internet. Including a framework showing how to apply Internet technology progressively as skills and confidence grow, the project demonstrates the route from adapting materials to developing a virtual course.

Nowadays, when people are not having time to visit an institute. Therefore, the software is designed to provide the education through Internet. The project “E – LEARNING” helps the common world in any field they are to get the knowledge what they want even sitting at there places. This helps them to spare time in their busy schedule and save their time during transportation.

4.4 Tools/Environment Used


Processor : Pentium III/IV (Preferably P-IV)
RAM: 256 MB

Web Server: Apache Tomcat Server
0perating System: Windows ME/2000/XP/UNIX
Language: JSP(JAVA Server Pages), HTML
Database : Oracle 10g